Telesoftware and the Teletext Adapter

Teletext Adapter (next to a second processor) photograph taken at The National Museum of Computing

Downloading content

Message displayed from the end of Making the Most of the Micro (sent via sound signal at the end of the programme)

A clip from Chip Shop Takeaway on BBC Radio 4 transmitting a game called ‘Car Race’. Users needed a BASICODE kit (cassette and handbook), had to record the program to use with the kit.


An example of making coloured text flash on a coloured background in MODE 7 from the BBC Micro User Guide

10 MODE 7
20 PRINT CHR$(136);CHR$(131);CHR$(157);CHR$(132);”BLUE LETTERS ON YELLOW”


BBC Micro Book Website by Alison Gazzard is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.