The Beeb is Born

The BBC Computer Literacy Project - David Allen (Lecture at The National Museum of Computing)


Examples from the Welcome booklet

The following images relate to the first programming exercise found in the Welcome booklet accompanying the BBC Micro as follows:
MODE 5 DRAW 1000,0 DRAW 0,1000 GCOL 0, 1 PLOT 85,0,0

PLOT 86,1000,1000

PLOT 86,1000,0

VDU 19,1,4,0,0,0
VDU 19,3,2,0,0,0

VDU 19,0,1,0,0,0 DRAW 200,0 DRAW 0,200 PLOT 86,1000,1000

The next example displays this image (the animation below is only one part of it)
10 MODE 5
20 GCOL RND(3),RND(7)
30 PLOT 85,RND(1280),RND(1024)
40 GOTO 20 RUN

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